
The JOES-fractal: new round, new prizes, new fractal.

I think I picked up the new fractal.

This will hopefully give us the direction, hour by hour and day by day how the fractal/market is going to behave.

We need some more specific moves to determine the rightness of this.

Stay tuned.


(p.s. I'm doing my best to be right; but remember 70-80% times will do well, but also 20-30% wrong!)
question follower:
comments very confusing to me. Are you now saying we are going to 11k and then down to 7200. ?

This whole cryptothing is like a gamble: very volatile and confusing indeed. That's why it is fine if there's something, an indiator, which shows the global direction. I think I've found one with this fractalthing! With what other indicator can you alsmost hour by hour follow the market? But sometimes it goes wrong (specialy if bulls and bears are fighting, or some bad news influences the market).
So try with me to follow and make some profit!
and yes, I hope we got around 11k. After that posible to 7.2K. We've to wait and see.

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