We've witnessed our first substantial move since the breakout from $38500 this morning, and it's sent panic across the market.

This shows the market's emotional state after three months of downtrending.
The best strategy to trade is to mark out your levels ahead of time so that when the price pulls back, you can tell if it's a support level or if the price has lost market structure and is dropping lower.
The previous range fixed volume profile is something to keep in mind. (Before the break below $41K, this was the range.)

The previous range fixed volume profile is something to keep in mind. (Range before the break below $41K) I'd like to see the previous point of control and low value ($43000 $41500) hold as support. These regions also have the confluence of daily naked point of controls within them.
If prices drop below those levels, we'll have to go lower to compensate for the inefficiency we have between $39k and $40K.


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