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Short the tether pumps

1 612
Short fomo, long folo.

I don't care about that shorts skyrocket at finex, it's a mindf#ck trap for scared traders and a false belief narrative to justify any pump "see, shortsqueeze", until it doesn't.
Checking at mex, we have enough room to go down, same as with cme. Scared money ain't making money.
Tradingview is messing up my charts... Rightclick on right bar and select auto-scale.
Also, they are not showing my ideas (bitfinex:btcusd) to short at 11.8k, 11.7k and 10k, such a joke.
220 million tethers last 4 days... Can you f#cking smell the coffee? Yet, I see people around me cashing out hard € and $...
6m usd left to spent, we probably see deep new lows quickly after. Gonna see if people not being able to withdraw their money from bitstamp again (like jan-march) when we go below their solvency level. You have been warned. Naivety/gullibility will kill you in one way or the other, always has been since the dawn of man.
Quick update: Tether moved another 50m last night, making it a whopping 270m.
If you want this ponzi scam to stop, then buy at each support with very tiny sl and keep selling the same resistance over and over and over and over again and drain their money.

Each day for last 2 months 2h dumps, 22h crawling up with few exceptions in weekend.

Don't all go short, they will go up only. Need to long as well. Play both sides, drain them dry until they give up and pump or dump to next level or they keep going sideways until they are in profit to make a move.

Even CNBC changes narratives each several hours, because those manipulators read from a script what to tell to drive market and know people do the opposite of those clowns. Licensed msm crooks and the arm of the apparatus who runs this shitshow.
270m tethers did its job pamping alts 25-100%, people are bullish again. Time to look for sells.
Bastard tether exit scam #2
Operators switch the algos to pump on alts JUST BEFORE THE WEEKEND, btc will most likely follow. Careful here.
When shitcoin REP on kraken gets pumped same time as entire alt market gets pumped on the same second on EXACTLY the weekend, you know it's the exchange operators switching the algos, which is confirmed when you see their own orders in the books keep changing their walls upupupupupup. You have been forewarned of this scam when they pump on empty books +25-100%.
So as expected they pump scammed on empty books in weekends again when the first 220m batch pumped up the first alts, before the rest of tethers arrived at the exchanges, bravo.

5 xmr buy 5% pump, just remove your sell orders from the books, do a few buys, then dump 1500k, rinse and repeat. Pump and dump scam, no TA needed, just follow tether movements, observe sentiment masses, wait for weekend, have no brain and always buy around exchange fractional reserve banking insolvency level at around 6k.

When permabulls keep making money in a bear market, something is very f#cking wrong with this crypto market space. If they think they are heroes, go trade forex and stocks, nowhere but crypto they are rewarded buying in to lambo candles and always buying at 6k.

So this tells me we don't see lower than 5k other than a wick/flashdump and go straight back up, because they artificially keep up this prize, despite contracting market where fiat money keeps pouring out, so I wonder if those are real people or tethers being cashed out and 90% are holding hot air in "hack" or exit scam event.

It's not only a ponzi scam, it's also a poorly planned out ripoff of gullible people. Well, I can predict one day you wake up with a bitcoin trading at 2-3 digits, because they will go after the exchanges (that I have been saying since February), guaranteed and once they dump 1% of their stack on the bid side, it's over. Should be obvious to you, doesn't it.
Here look at chart price and volume, pure scam bots.
Just pump and dump, extracting as much fiat as possible from tether pumps and pumping huge % on empty books with no vol. What a crooked game. You not entertained with ponzi scam fraudsters running the game?

F#ck TA, why need it. Just need tethers and empty books. You thought this would dump from a rising wedge? You're wrong like me, they breakout the wedge with NO F#CKING VOLUME, LOL.

But thing is, I saw this shit coming when they flipped their algos to pump just when the weekend was at front, as you can see from the updates in my bulltrap idea. If you want to make profit, you need a brain first, be open minded and watch where the tethers are going, for weekends and calculate time and price % to get a very high profitable entry and LOTS OF PATIENCE.

What about your analysis that the daily looks super bullish? Well, you're wrong there as well, everything undone in just 1 hour time and we got plenty of time to close the daily. So much for TA.

While finex was trading at $10-$30 premium, people sold their shit on fiat exchanges, always huge vol in selling and no vol in buying. Entertain your 100% retrace again on 1/100th the vol up on empty books, until the next batch of sell vol comes in, the definition of PONZI and SCAM packed in one.

I don't know which fools still buy at the top with their bids in the books, either its dumb bots, shorts covering to short higher or just a bunch of idiots, including those that push price up.
Now watch this video again @

It's about as f#cking as much people as humanly possible on BOTH sides, so doesn't matter what you call yourself as, but, you were extremely lucky if you bought shitcoin and could sell this shit back at premium +25-150% prices, but when you do this too much, you will be a targeted account with errors, lag and disconnection while you trade, because you're extracting too much money from the exchanges. And I'm not f#cking joking here, I posted the screenshots to a dozen of friends and they all agree and at least two of them experience the same. You play vs the house, you win too much, they will screw you up. You'd know if you played in casino and keep winning and suddenly everyone watches you and try to get you out of there.

Now, it's in the best interest of those exchange operators to push price up, as it's more profit for them to sell their bags at premium price, while maintaining their solvency level. That's why they are ALL PERMABULLS in public, BUT, they are BEARS instead, because again, the money is made in selling.

And those fools got their hopium for an ETF approval, lol. The only manipulators that are allowed to play in this game are the licensed crooks (wallstreet and traditional (central) bankers), not the ones existing in crypto right now (early whales and orca whales (exchanges)) and this will never go away, that's why my prediction that they will go after exchanges and get their supply is an easy one to make and that will most likely happen.

Best thing to do is have multiple accounts at each exchange and preferably have a bot that can trade this chop at the push of a button.
Maybe this pump and dump gets too much attention, so they fullfill my chart i posted yday, go to 6070 then pump this shit back up to a higher high before they dump pre etf delayed news again next week or 2, while those alts keep bleeding and putting those fools who didn't sold their bags yet yesterday will be in loss again.

Wait for the bagholders from last year to sell, because I know a stubborn guy who bought a shitton of alts at pre may '17 prices still holding his bags, feeling still comfortable, but he's beginning to sweat and watching charts daily, when before he didn't. When those guys sell, it's probably a good time to buy.
Trade fechado: objetivo atingido
Hate to say "I told you so"
WTF Bitfinex, you trade again $100 PREMIUM vs the rest
Next level shit hidden walls clustered

Expect a breakdown to new lows, no way this is going back up to breakeven point if it breaks, unless this is one manipulated mess.
^ IF those hidden buy walls break, which can be any moment now with all the vol and finex trading at premium, bots gonna sell there to arbitrage the delta.
We know bitfinex plays with 22k, 12k dumped, 10k more to go. Look what is remaining in their orderbook to $300, only 12k, where before was 30k.

So dump 20k coin there and they become mt gox, lmao.
I don't think many people have any clue or understanding of the current situation of what's going on and will fall for the short squeeze meme and YES, that might very well happen, but on finex only.

This is my theory:
Coins gets bought at finex and leave the exchange to another exchange or wallet. Shorts keep stacking in the hope the spot buys will return to the market to sell at a lower price, which they don't. Big hidden buy walls catalyze the event to a premium up to $100 and is still on going vs any other known exchange or japanese yen in usd calculated.

So what happens is that people and/or bots gonna short the premium (arbitraging), creating an even bigger imbalance, causing one day funding to go up massively and margin short not be available anymore, which causes the biggest short squeeze ever.

Finex, contrary to other exchanges, can actually trade at a much higher premium, maybe 10k when others trade at 5k.

You don't have to believe me, because a similiar situation happened on ETPUSD, which still keeps pumping vs every other shitcoin out there, despite the bearmarket. This is comparable to Mt Gox, hence my reference to it.

This will be very interesting to watch it play out.

Contrary to arbitragers, I actually starting to think to do the opposite of them, long at finex and short at other exchange, how about that?
Premium is gone now. Congrats to anyone who played the arbitrage game :D
100m sent to finex, that makes it 500 MILLION usdt in just 3 weeks, amazing.
Big moves can be expected. Place your bets in the comment section.
Hahaha, forget about ETF, first people going to jail and totally stripped from their assets before the new bullrun happens.

What happened? On the second bitmex goes in to maintainance, huge pump, lol. 17 minutes left.


Good game.
Get your shorts ready for the new lows.
At this point, and this is my opinion and strong feeling, you should stay far away from finex. All heat will be on finex, tether and manipulation from here on forward, including the 100m sent from vault to themselves with 500m last 21 days and with the court hearings any time vs bitfinex & tether. Don't get "'ed".
Arthur Hayes of Bitmex is probably pissed of atm (one of the reasons he left trading at finex before?) With open liquidations, the Bitmex insurance funds will probably get a blow. But I doubt Bitmex will get in trouble, Bitfinex wil most likely be.
Liquidations on mex rolling in now hundreds of millions of USD.

Expect many law suits coming.
I was wondering how nobody commented, turns out this chart be in the uk forums, wtf? Should be fixed now I hope.
Don't forget to click the play button :D
F#cking exchanges. Now kraken is offline and $200 dump.
Sure is coincidence right?
F#cking crooks man. Cannot login to Kraken & Bitmex, meanwhile price is trading at $6400, those exchanges I warned you about in February idea about those crypto scammers. They pulled 2 in 1 day, blows my mind...
Bitfinex replicating MtGox before the 75% dump to the teeth, nice manipulation.

Now watch this again:
wtf is this arthur?
Cya at deribit
Thank bitfinex for your extended bear market until 2024.
Again hidden buywall at $6700 over 1k sold in to. Of course, $50 million tethers moved back to finex to most likely facilitate it, since their wallets dried up.

Gotta love the manipulation, where 1 exchange out of 20 big players hold up the price of Bitcoin. No shit they fired their auditor, since we would know WHO buys.

Finex still trading at premium for hours now and has the only bullish chart vs all the other exchanges, just compare it to mex, they're much different... 2.5k sold at hidden buy wall at $6700, once the hidden buy wall breaks, we most likely go deeper than I have drawn in this idea with no comeback back to these levels for a looooong time.

There is a possibility for 7.11, 7.35k and even 7.6k. If so, I allocate most of my equity in short and let it ride with no intention to buy back anything over 5k with no stop and liq above 150k. Bunch of dipshits trading small % in this tight range and all it takes is a few whales to unload their bags soon to get you rekt.
Bitcoin trading as a pennystock shitcoin with very weak pumps. My bigger shorts not filled with a few dollars off, but I market dumped some, it's that weak on the spot exchanges. Mex did of course a stunt to much higher highs than everyone else, how surprising and some friends could not place orders in at the top, weak...

Looking forward to short as much and as high as possible. Not going to buy this back before we break 5k.

Garbage speculators and manipulators, you can pay my funding.
So manipulators pushed it to 7.11k :-)

At this point there is no more point to long ponzi for a long time to come.
7.35k and 7.6k are left, but not worth it RR wise.

Better to sell your house and short this shit to 4k or if you can wait for half a year to 2k and set orders on exchanges that have an insurance policy written in contract you signed for at 2-3 digits (or money you can afford to lose), because there is a big chance when most of those crooked exchanges get shutdown, when, I don't know, but I know enforcement agencies are collecting data before they visit the exchanges.

The "bottom is in"
Gtfo at finex and tether, I will post later more.
Massive manipulation atm, 1 exchange to rule them all, until you get goxed and we are at 2k. You shouldn't even trade this shit anywho. Gotta love the $100 premium AGAIN, it seems they're desperate for your coins.
I'm not drawing any conclusions, there can be number of possibilities, like arb bots or one big buyer in his own shorts, who knows, but it's fishy and ratio is overrated and became a meme.

I'll be back once we reach my targets to buy and trade again, other than that waste of time and energy.
What you do when you cannot buy bitcoin anymore because your tether supply runs to zero? Just print and send 100 mil to your exchange. Problem solved.

One day we trade 3 digits up to 2k again, PRE TETHER TIMES, be patient.
Have fun trading against the house, you're right that it should come down, but you cannot win vs those who control most supply and unlimited magic money, they can manipulate it upwards to 7.6, 8.3, 10k, 12k, 20k, 100k, 1 million, like they did in '13-'14 and '17 WITHOUT any retrace before coming down after destroying you, so you should not even use high leverage at all, pref lower than 1:1 if you're short and buy spot.

As long as people are bearish, this shit will be forced to go up without any retracement to steal your money, that's what they do.

EVERYONE with a brain sees the manipulation, even outsiders. Only those that claim are not are lying to you, maybe no brain or are shills (yes, many people post contrary posts on tv and twitter of what they do themselves, because they understand the game).

Now the question is, how to play the manipulation to profit from it. It's beyond TA, that should be obvious.

I have no doubt in my mind the exchanges share open books and positions of traders, so you better have 2 accounts and play long on one and short on the other if you have decent size or better yet, stay away from tether and have some orders at fiat exchanges such as gdax or kraken if you want to buy bitcoin on the exchange.

This free market is what you wanted right? I see most of those proponents and defenders of manipulators lost tons of money, cried about manipulators for months (despite defending them before) and now are totally gone from the scene.

Now they are shilling for decentralized exchanges, so the manipulation will continue there and run even longer, amazing the intelligence of those people. Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% for decentralization over centralization, questions are: a) who runs/controls it you take services from, b) can you set it up yourself to improve it and c) can you handle it? Just because centralization can be bad, doesn't mean decentralization is good. I partially blame that twisted thinking from the public educational system.

The question is not if tether is backed or not, but who buys it and how did they derive their money to buy it from. I wouldn't be surprised if the buyer is linked to the same group and comes from liquidating shitcoins or even black money and the biggest law to break is to not pay taxes, so how do you think this will end up in a world that goes one day will be controlled by a one world government.

Jump the titanic or cry later.

Good luck.
Tether rescue package to binance
Manipulators still at work. It's becoming more apparent, even for government agencies and the EU parliament, next Friday discussion about this, including manipulation and money laundering.

News from today in German (but I translate), you won't find this important events on your fakenews (on time or ever):

Brussels: The price turbulence of Bitcoin and other digital currencies is calling the European Union into the picture . The finance ministers of the 28 member states want to discuss the risks of this new type of money on Friday in Vienna....

...The innovative potential of Cyberdivision must be used. But at the same time it is also important to combat abuse...

... however, may be controversial among the ministers, small EU countries such as Malta, Luxembourg or Cyprus see digital currency as an opportunity for their financial center and therefore want to avoid EU rules wherever possible...

... Investors are not protected from fraud and market manipulation in this area, warns European parliamentarian Markus Ferber...

... The Austrian EU Presidency also sees a need for action, for several reasons. "Important topics are money laundering, terrorist financing and tax evasion," says the paper. The recently amended EU Money Laundering Directive has recently also applied to cryptocurrencies. Whether that is sufficient, but not sure, write the Austrians...

... As a further critical point the Austrians call the lack of data protection in the crypto world. They refer to the new EU General Data Protection Regulation. Accordingly, every EU citizen has the right to have their data erased or corrected. "In a system based on a public blockchain, that's almost impossible," the paper said...

How long before Bin will move away from Malta as well? Mex is registered on a Somali island, will that be their next location? Lmao!
If you are still in tether or trading on Bitfinex/Binance while following all my warnings since January, then you most likely will get what you deserve. $1 million per bitcoin in tether is no joke, because tether can become worthless, as it should be.

Think again for yourself, how can an unbanked exchange/company cover billions of fiat... their only banking partner (which is one and the same group) was bankrupt, EXACTLY as expected. Good luck shorting crypto in tether, changes are, you probably already lost your money on those aforementioned exchanges anyway.

Almost $400 premium in a shot.

We can safely say Bitfinex and probably all exchanges are in big trouble now. Even when they are not closing now, they will be forced in 2019 by the authorities. Prisontime. Enjoy the shitshow!


As of writing, bitfinex STILL pumping.

You gonna lose all your money there, that is my prediction and my opinion, MtGox 2.0 acting with FULL knowledge in advance.

Still pumping
Finex criminals operating there

All pumps start there
7.8k @ 1K premium.

KuCoin disables withdrawals and deposts of USDT, Binance gonna delist USDT.
You lost your money if you still in tethers, worthless shitcoin going to $0.

Crypto will enter a multi year bear market. 3 digits bitcoin incoming after 2k. Enjoy it.

Criminal exchanges and on non tether exchanges only errors (bitmex and kraken), my shorts got canceled, no more margin available on Kraken and mex errors.

Load the bearzooka.

Close to 3 BILLION USD UNBACKED tethers. Watch for fiat bankrun = closed exchanges. 3 digits bitcoin incoming is not unthinkable. Biggest scam and fraud in human history, yet you got those morons with no common sense claiming everything is alright to the last second, only for them to see them quietly leave, bunch of shills.
Be careful for exchange insolvencies, especially Kraken, since they facilitate escape for tether owners... KuCoin and Binance delisting it is SMART. Either Kraken is incredibly stupid or they are part of the tether scam. Beware of insolvency and your money gone.
1K premium tether screencaps.
Hell yes, I'm pissed off. I had shorts at 6.8k just in case of sh#t like this and I have many more higher up. I have the proof in the screenshots from days ago the shorts were placed there, order ID and screenshots that they are canceled not by myself and $6800 was exactly the top. Now the errors are gone, so is the 7% instant profit... not happy with those crypto exchanges, but it is what it is.

I don't even expect many if not almost all of us to buy the bottom, because I got a feeling many exchanges simply go "offline" for whatever bullsh#t reason they come up with and those (paid) shills will be the first to defend them and we don't have to buy that bottom, because the risk of losing money by theft is not even worth it and I speak from first hand experience from the past being robbed by multiple exchanges, hence my rants against them. It's not something I make up.

Careful trading guys, we're close to a catalyst in my opinion, if not this year, it will be 2019, the year of enforcement and shutdowns.
Lots of disappointed people at Bitmex shilling and calling to leave for Deribit for quite some time now. Well, I'm not naive to think the same problems will occur there as well at a faster rate (scalability), just a matter of time. Just playing the game by their rules and diversify across multiple exchanges on multiple different accounts is what I'm doing to limit third party risk and minimize conflict of interest.
Very concerning tether peg (+17.5% back to $1) that doesn't reflect back in the btcusdt pair vs btcusd...

I'm very skeptical about a new banking relationship (HSBC), from what I've been told, it's NOT the real HSBC, but a company registered in the Bahamas...

Matter of time before this sh#t happens again.

People trade/invest crypto to gain ultimately in fiat, not in stablecoins.

Stablecoins are a scam. When the company behind it goes bust, that shitcoin is literally worth ZERO. Sure, fiat money sucks, at least it's backed by nukes and inflationary, so the rich won't get richer at the expense of the 99.999999%.
So now the official news is out, exactly as thought 2 weeks ago.

Historical fractals always repeat, but the game is now extended, reason to why is explained in earlier idea about the psychology of those people, very predictable.

This market is imho still not worth to trade it, waste of your time while that money can work elsewhere. It gets more interesting when they manipulate upwards again at far away resistances to short, otherwise don't bother, you're just providing liquidity to those same manipulators that will stop you out and steal your money to then retrace 100% after and laughing their asses off when they liquidate that corn for fiat.
Trade fechado: objetivo atingido
~4.2k 20 Nov '18

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