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BTC 100% Money making trading strategy today

Por Goldenhelmsman
March 7 Bitcoin (BTC) contract technical analysis: today, the large cycle daily line level yesterday closed small Yang line, the K line formed a Yang single Yin, the price is higher than the average, the chart indicator gold fork operation, in the general trend upward or obvious advantages, according to the current trend law, the previous redeployment is a callback performance, accompanied by a strong market rise; There is also a trend of the short cycle hourly chart of the small regears, the current Kawasaki Steamboat form, the chart of the indicator has the symbol of the golden cross key, the starting position in the 65650 area, yesterday's high 67700 area, and then today will continue to see the high!
So today's BTC short-term contract trading strategy:
Retracement 66200 area buy!
Stop loss price: 65650
Target discovery area 67500-67800;

Ethereum (ETH) contract technical analysis on March 7: Today, the large cycle daily line level yesterday to close the middle Yang line, K line form even Yang single Yin, the price above the average, the gold fork of the graph, the previous large pullback, although the price pierced the low support position, this also told you, the amplitude looks larger, the single price did not move, so this is the performance of the correction, the trend is still up; Short-cycle hourly chart intra-day slight retracement correction, low support position 3735 area, yesterday's high position 3904 area, the current K-line form even Yang, the attached chart indicator dead fork operation, but the pullback is not strong, today or to see the continuation of the rise to break the high
Therefore, today's ETH short-term contract trading strategy:
Retracement 3765 price area buy,
Stop price 3734 area,
Target area 3860-3880;
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