Bitcoin Cash

How I've been trading BCH

Por JCBCrypto
We all know what's going on with BCH and BTC.

I'm not entirely sure where we stand, so there's not much I can say, unrelated to my chart.

Here is what I notice:

Bollinger bands contract when preparing to break out, this is very common with Bollinger bands.

When price starts going up, buyer volume slowly increases in a near-linear manner.

When sellers come, seller volume slowly decreases, and decrease of volume is increased as gets closer to next bull cycle.

RSI shows oversold on all 3 "correction" bounces, before it started going back up.

You can use that for a signal of potential upward movement.

We've had a few falling wedges and pennants since yesterday, you know what those do.

See how you can use this.

BCHBCHBTCBCHETHbchisbtcbchlongBCHUSDbchusdshortbchusdtBCHXBTTechnical Indicators

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