yes weve seen that guy who doesnt live on the second floor
oh yes you wanted to unsee that goatse video or 2 gs and 1cup
and oh sp o yes we were touched by pnuts overload cuteness and incident

and many more...

this one is a mix of every cat cast that broought out human emotions across the space
and every superpower wanted to collab with Hasbulla

strategy: FOMO
tactic: buy high

Handler: Uncle Harry & the Royal Arabs of Dubai
Trade ativo
heres my reference to spot the next big super coin meme or whatever the CABAL decides to CREATE iSSUE at seed or Drirect listing .... have a good one and Share your blessings folks
Nov 27 Big Day in DUBAi Fintech .. get ready for the window dressing towards 11BN cap and Tier 1 listings
just in.. fresh from the minters desk..
we have a go from fresh capital of the Usual Suspects
Harmonic Patterns

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