ADAUSDT Less and less down bars...

Por Butzibear
Are we reaching the last plateau ? We need to look out for a sign... it could be a LOW VOLUME down bar, closing in the middle or high, on a NARROW SPREAD. This one will be the signal, and if not this one, we shall wait for a second LVDBCMH. If it doesn't come... we shall burn in hell :-) (Bring your sausages and your bread and mustard.
We need at least 1 LVDBCMH... be patient... we're not there yet... we just had a very high volume up bar closing in the middle, which is normally weakness, so in the short term, the market is not going to go up very far. There's just one thing that's a little odd... 6 down bars in a row with increasing volume, and then on the 13 Sept, this massive volume up bar closing in the middle. It looks like the volume of the previous down bars has been absorbed/accumulated by eager buyers... I think the market is going to get kicked to the right for a little while, before moving higher. Still waiting for a LVDBCMH on a very narrow spread... that would be my personal BUY signal.
Pivot PointsSupply and DemandSupport and Resistance

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