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Version: v24

First Start

The library works out of the box, but you have to set up your HTTP server to bind Library’s folder to a certain domain name.

Let’s start the library on your local computer

1. Clone this repository


Learn more about how to clone a repository.

2. Start an HTTP server

You may set up any HTTP server to listen to any of your host’s free ports and refer to the folder containing the library. Below you will find instructions on how to start several most common HTTP servers.

Python 2.x

If you have Python installed on your computer then you can use it to start an HTTP server in a quick manner.

Execute the following command in the library folder:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 9090

Python 3.x

python -m http.server 9090


First install http-server:

npm install http-server -g

Start http-server using the following command in the library folder:

http-server -p 9090


  • Install NGINX

  • Open the config file nginx.conf and write the following text in the http section of the file:

    server {
    listen 9090;
    server_name localhost;

    location / {
  • Replace ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_THE_CHARTING_LIBRARY with the absolute path to the library folder.

  • Run nginx

3. Open the library in your browser

Once you are done running the HTTP server, you will have your the library ready.

Open in your browser.

Online Example

You may see the working example of the library here. This example is based on our sample data feed.

IMPORTANT: This datafeed is just a sample. It contains a dozen of symbols (from Quandl) and provides DWM only. It does however support quotes. Please use it for testing purposes only.

Hosting the library on a separate origin (domain)

If you would like to host the library on a separate origin to the page containing the chart then please view the following guide: Hosting the library on a separate origin.