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Version: v24

Custom Studies Inputs

The inputs in Custom Study Metainfo is an array of study inputs. Study input contains following fields:

* - required

  • id* - string
  • name* - string, the title of the input
  • type* - string, input type. Possible values are:
    • 'bool'
    • 'text'
    • 'symbol'
    • 'resolution'
    • 'session'
    • 'source'
    • 'integer'
    • 'float'
    • 'time'
  • confirm - boolean, if true, then user will be asked to confirm input value before indicator is added to chart. Default value is false.
  • isHidden - boolean
  • visible - string
  • defval - default value of the input variable. It has the specific type for a given input and can be optional.

Also, study input object can have additional fields depending on the input type.


  • type* - 'bool'
  • defval* - boolean


  • type* - 'text'
  • defval* - string
  • options - an array of strings, a list of options to choose from
  • optionsTitles - an object { [option]: value }, where option and value are strings


  • type* - 'symbol'
  • defval - string
  • optional - boolean


  • type* - 'resolution'
  • defval* - a resolution string, please see the Resolution page
  • options - an array of strings, a list of options to choose from
  • optionsTitles - an object { [option]: value }, where option and value are strings


  • type* - 'source'
  • defval* - may be a custom string or one of the following: open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4
  • options - an array of custom strings or the following: open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4
  • optionsTitles - an object { [option]: value }, where option and value are strings

Integer, Float, Time

  • type* - 'integer', 'float', or 'time'
  • defval* - number
  • max - number, maximum possible value of the input variable
  • min - number, minimal possible value of the input variable
  • step - number, the step value to use for incrementing/decrementing input from format dialog. Default value is 1.