🔵 Introduction One of the challenges of script users is matching the colors used in indicators or strategies. By default, colors are chosen to display based on either the dark theme or the light theme. In scripts with a large number of colors used, changing all colors to better display in dark mode or light mode can be a difficult and tedious process. This...
Good morning, Here is my first script as a pinecoder. So I present to you my indicator: the “Candles Theme”. Instead of searching for a long time in the chart settings to change the style of the chart, you can use this indicator which offers: - 8 default themes. - The ability to create a custom theme. Themes : - Pink - Blue : Dark and Light - Classic : Dark...
This library provides a standard set of colors defined in Material Design 2.0. 🔵 API Step 1: Import this library. import algotraderdev/material/1 // remember to check the latest version of this library and replace the 1 above. Step 2: Get the color you like. Check the source code or the screenshot above to see all the supported colors. material.red() ...
Library "Utils" Utility functions. Mathematics, colors, and auxiliary algorithms. setTheme(vc, theme) Set theme for levels (predefined colors). Parameters: vc : (valueColorSpectrum) Object to associate a color with a value, taking into account the previous value and its levels. theme : (int) Theme (predefined colors). 0 = 'User defined' 1 =...
Style Made Easy with 175 Reversable light/dark themes Built on to of my theme engine, so any tools built with one will work with the other. getTheme(_input) Get a theme by name. (see lib for copy/paste list) Parameters: _input : string Name of Theme to use. apathy() Theme preset -> "Apathy" Returns: Theme object apprentice() Theme preset...
Library "theme_engine" Theme Builder and Structure for live generative themes init(_name) New theme object. Parameters: _name : (string) opptional name Returns: a VAR theme (holds it's vals when updated if not overwritten) globals(theme, _h1, _h2, _h3, _h4, _s, _val, _contrast) Create light/dark theme globals Parameters: theme :...
Library "base16" Base16 Syntax Theme Collection. dark/light Pairs placed into 2 matched groups. included is tool for assembling your own themes, as well as all themes String names to create your own Input menus / add to your own theme matrix, and theme selectors addToMatrix(_mtx, _title, _choices, _theme) To create a theme matrix with string index, use...
20 step red/green gradient function The color gradient function allow colorize any source in 5% steps. Define the source, minimum and maximum value (constant or , for example, bb (or any other channel)).