The indicator quantifies the relative position of a symbol's current closing price in relation to its historical all-time high (ATH). By evaluating the ratio between the ATH and the present closing price, it provides an analytical framework to estimate the potential gains that could accrue if the symbol were to revert to its ATH from a specified reference point....
Enter your purchase price & the quantity. It'll display a line at that value, with a label indicating the current gain/loss
This indicator calculates the gains and losses in percentage based on the highest high (ATH) and lowest low (ATL) of a given period. It takes the period as an input parameter and calculates the ATH and ATL within that period. The indicator then calculates the potential gains in percentage if the price goes back to the ATH, as well as the potential losses in...
Gain/StopLoss Percentage Lines is a quick way to enter your Entry Price in to a stock and track the percentage of gain or loss at the 5% and 10% markers. Click on the gear settings icon and type in your entry price. The percentage is defaulted to 5%. You can change this to a different percentage at this screen. Note that whatever number you enter will be doubled...
Tracks the percentage gain/loss in three ranges: single candle (can be turned on or off) custom range of candles custom range of candles For example, with a range of 3 candles, and the serie: 1 - close 10 2 - close 5 3 - close 20 The moving gain would be: 1 - close 10 - gain 10, infinite% 2 - close 5 - gain 5, infinite% 3 - close 18 - gain 8,...