7 de Ago de 2023 16:09

Volume as a Percent of Float by 3iau 

Apple Inc.NASDAQ


Volume as a Percent of Float

  • Plot the difference between current Chart Volume as a percent of Float/Outstanding and the moving average of the same.
  • Apply a multiplier to this value.
  • Plot the moving average of the difference between current Chart Volume as a percent of Float/Outstanding and the moving average of the same.

Notas de Lançamento

Added plot for columns, line, and area

Notas de Lançamento

fixed errors

Notas de Lançamento

Changed defaults

Notas de Lançamento

added display options

Notas de Lançamento

Edited section headings

Notas de Lançamento

Edited defaults

Notas de Lançamento

added a table to report the current volume as a percent of float

Notas de Lançamento

edited table

Notas de Lançamento

added color scheme for up and down period columns and selection to define up or down as current period close - previous period close or current period close vs current period open.

Notas de Lançamento

Added exchange upside/downside data to table

Notas de Lançamento

added info to the table: float to outstanding ratio, and change in price at up to 5 periods.

Notas de Lançamento

fixed an error in the table

Notas de Lançamento

edited table display options

Notas de Lançamento

edited the table percent change column to automatically sort the inputs in ascending order and eliminate duplicate inputs

Notas de Lançamento

edited script notes

Notas de Lançamento

Fix and script error

Notas de Lançamento

Added the tick index (nyse, nasdaq, djia) to the table data

Notas de Lançamento

Edited the way the table sorts selections

Notas de Lançamento

Edited table data: changed USI:TICK timeframe period as it was not reporting realtime TICK when chart timeframe was 1D.

Notas de Lançamento

Added option for breadth data displayed in table. Now, may select Tick or Trin to be displayed.

Notas de Lançamento

changed settings descriptions, added tooltips

Notas de Lançamento

Corrected an error in the code.