6 de Jan de 2018 17:38

XRP pump and dump Viés de baixa

XRP / BitcoinPoloniex


Don't invest in this crap at these prices.
I personally think you shouldn't invest in it at all, but some people disagree. So make your own decisions, but be aware that the current prices are making XRP way over valued for what it offers.
sofar RSI desagree )
@Tsentr, Say what? Maybe check the chart again.
Maybe u can replace dump to be stop hehe
Coz its pair with btc. If the chart going down. Maybe is because the btc price going up and bullish trend for xrp is fade out. :)
Lol, bruh... you came on with the sole purpose of hating on XRP and spreading FUD. Sweet opinion, sorry you have a low self esteem and you find it important to share your opinion in hopes that people agree and boost your feelings about your own thoughts. Less emotion, more empirical evidence.
@sc3p0, I am guessing you are an investor in XRP. To bad you invest without any research and think because price is going up there must be a good reason for it.
@sc3p0, How about the empirical evidence now? Price must be good enough for you or still not convinced?
@hubavka this actually made me laugh. Thanks for remembering me, I’m touched. Truly. Hit me up again in a year, will you? Thanks, champ.
@sc3p0, You are welcome. Anything I can do to make you happy ;-)
This is just an attempt to Spread FUD. A good TA provides details and what theory this conclusion is based on. And also the chart is wrong. Ripple in both of its two rallys has gained an average of $1, which this chart doesn't show. We have seen two major uptrends both of about $1.5 followed by approx 45 cents correct in both cases. Ripple is far from an pump and dump.