13 de Set de 2019 12:26

XRP Christmas bonus??? Viés de alta



Market Cap to rise soon..holidays are great...time to price things up a bit and raise the value for consumers to buy.

Ripple knows what they're doing :) They will use XRP as much as they can to build their business model, meanwhile. Play the ripples....

This baby isnt going anywhere...not with what Ive seen...and they damn for sure wont just hand over a million dollars to people over night. You gotta learn how to use it and riiiideee the waves of capital usage and shortage. XRP is getting a little hungry and went allllll the way back to LEVEL 2 of its price. Where we took off.

I truly believe everyone backing this utility for fintech will get their appreciation value over a reasonable amount of time. Escrow is being replaced at 1/4th the value again...that means each bank who holds XRP can have up to 5x if not more of its value for prosperity. If the middle man keeps having to borrow from the federal reserve and is 5x or 4x in debt off a ridiculous loan system of loans piled on loans....this "LEVELS THE PLAYING FIELD" for them...Now the BIG man or woman and the MIDDLE man or woman *wink* clean their debt away with each other....

the citizens who follow...prosper...
follow the money....look whos leading and onboarding. Don't follow hype follow world use case...does it make sense? HOW far is the technology REALLY>????

Digital Assets help PROVE data and truths with higher security. and more tractability for data. So much is to come ^_^

Liquidity Crisis ahead..... FED dump of 100 Billion into repo market XRP is the answer for the banks worldwide to release trillons in nostro accounts. But it takes time to get there... XRP coins will be used to help the Banks with liquidity. Money Gram should be breaking Western Union within 2 Quarters... word spreads fast when you wire money to fam and you get far more with Money Gram. MGI is the ticker. So yes trade but one event will happen overnight and this most hated coin will rip!
@RickSnavely1, RIP as in "Rest In Peace"?
@mossimokim, RiP bears once circulation is all out in the public and banks have their stash. Thats basically that. Until then bounce off their corp partnerships like MoneyGram. After they obtained their swap of 30 Million dollars and 10% stock share with Ripple they will be a driving force for growth. Until then itll be stupid cheap. We pass that $1 marker again and I do not see us returning to .25 ever again. 50 cents ....sure... but not as low as .25 if ALL banks are secured with their escrow swaps. When the dollar begins to fail. We will begin to see XRP grow. Rick makes a very good point with the pressure on it because of the feds pumping money into the system right now. Probably for another 10 days or so..
@RickSnavely1, yea i did see that as well..look at that DXY pushing to 100 now. HA! Markets aren't manipulative right? :D Just goes to show you how this market can really do some damage to people who go crazy trying to get rich quick. I agree with MGI and its growth. I do not see xrp in a RIP mode but I do see it slowly going down or staying stable at .25 cents zone. Until all of that supply is out and in circulation it will be a ripple ride of buy and sell opportunities. I am a contrarian trader so I do not necessarily follow the fact that xrp is the most hated asset. ;) But I would agree it isn't the most loved asset either hehe.

Thank you for your reply Rick!