2 de Jan de 2021 02:06

SPX getting read for a nasty ramp to 4300-4500 range 

S&P 500SP


SPX is now all set to go steroid mode to peak somewhere between 4300-4500 range. Can happen in the next 3 months. Peak set around march and than the dump later in Summer to the bottom at 1000 by late December or early 2021

@dondraper, What makes you say that S&P will drop to 1000 in early 2022?
@kishnara, lots of things. Over leverage, vaccine hopes fading, market waking up to reality that economy on the main street has imploded. it can even happen by end of 2021 but it will be nasty quick collapse. March 2020 - triple that collapse. it will be quick
@dondraper, Thanks. How confident that S&P will hit around 1000 in 2022?
@dondraper, I agree but if that's all true (which it is) what's to stop it happening next week? And what do you mean by vaccine hopes fading out of interest? Has something happened over the weekend?

I do think BTC going mental is actually bearish for stocks as it's a perceived flight to safety. Opinions?