Futuros E-mini S&P500
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ES Potential Idea (Nov 8th - Nov 19th 2020)

Por Hambooger
E-mini S&P 500 Futures (ES) (November 8th 2020 through November 19th 2020)

Low: 2531 points
High: 3590 points

This may be too drastic to happen, or to happen right away. No chance?
I understand the longer I keep talking about a market crash that hasn't happened (yet) the sillier I look. If something major doesn't happen this month, are we still on track to have something happen come January 2021? February-March? The amount of greed in the average consumers right now, election and Trump vote claims, etc, all lead me to believe we are at some sort of stressing point, the load gets heavier and heavier and something will snap and flash soon.

As always, I'll be looking to the news for some clues for the next few weeks. I could be completely wrong here, I just feel like something is building up soon. Watch the US election drama closely throughout the next few months.

The related ideas for this chart are a collection of different scenarios, all with somewhat similar outcomes across major stock indexes.

Thanks for tuning in :) Disclaimer, anyone in the trade needs to do their own due diligence and decide what is right for YOU. My charts can be wrong at any time and it's very important that you have your own strategies and plans in place. I run this channel for my own educational purposes of learning to trade, and I will never be 100% right, so please do not let me confirm any bias for you! (Dangerous to do so, stay safe and remember the basics & rules of risk assessment.) Expect the unexpected and happy trading!
BIDENChart Patternselectionelection2020Trend AnalysistrumpWave Analysis

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