14 de Set de 2019 13:08

How Whales Operate The Market (Crypto and Stocks) 


How Whales Operate The Market?

The Easier Way To Know Is to Speak With The Whales Themselves?

Or you can do A.I and study hundreds of stocks for the past 100 years.

Or you can study the work of Wyckoff, its the same idea.

Market is operated by Whales or what Wyckoff called a Composite Man.

Whales are very sophisticated in what they are doing.

Sometimes Whales will control more than one market (stocks/crypto)

I spoke from my experiences having the ability to spoke with real whales (in Malaysian stock market)

It's the same operations over and over again.

Whales are very sophisticated, they don't aim for SHORT TERM gains.

They are GREEDY and they want to make it BIG.

In crypto, it is much EASIER to MANIPULATE since the market is 100% unregulated.

However, whales also are present in stock market, especially microcap and penny stocks.

Understand the phases - Accumulation, Distribution and Mark Up Phase.

Whales always want to ensure that they can Accumulate as much as possible from the normal retail people so that they can CONTROL the market.

Once retails already SELL all their positions, whales can do their job.

Whales always wait for catalyst and right timing before they start their operations to distribute.

Whales often already have target in their mind. The target are always way beyond human comprehensions.

Whales don't care about normal people, they will do everything in order to manipulate the market. If the market is still full of retails and mom and pops, they will continue to sell and push the price low enough until nobody else is INTERESTED in that particular asset, even if that causes them to push it down 99.99%

The most important thing is for them to have the ability to CONTROL the market.

Lessons, you need to understand how the whales operate, how they play with human psychology.

Your normal Technical Analysis will never be able to capture Whales psychology and thinking.

It goes beyond that.

I am not advocating market manipulations, but I am here to just tell you how the market works.

If you don't believe in what I am saying, I don't have time to convince you. Continue worshiping your technical analysis. I don't care.
