Buy Now but get out at 87.1 & Stop Loss @ 78.59

Por satish-gaire
Next Target Price @ 87.1
Stop Loss @ 78.59

RS with Major Index- OK
Support 79-81
Avg Volume - OK
Latest news- Berkshire to buy for 44B and assume 55B debt
this will spike vol & price Monday.

REMEMBER, Berkshire is NOT buying the ENTIRE business, but a lot of folks
will jump on a driving price higher than TP. This NEWS is NOT good for Dominion... They need CASH,
but this is GOOD news for Berkshire
BUY Now but get out at 87.1
Personally, I am happy to run at 6% return.
Had stop loss @ 78.59. So didn't lose a lot.
Can someone tell me what I missed?
Trend Analysis

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