10 de Nov de 2022 16:28

Crypto is a dumpster fire... 

Bitcoin all time history indexINDEX


I am embarrassed I was even involved in this shitshow.

I highly doubt that there is any support at this line no matter how this 12% pump feels today to HOLDers...

Only sellers will show up from here on out IMHO.

I foresee every pump that the Bitcoin Bullivers will start to have such regrets that they were this gullible to believe that 250k was coming and ask themselves why didn't they take their money at 60k.

Greed kills on both ends.

Will Crypto even come back after the greatest depression?

The probabilities are SLIM to NONE!

(IF) it does Fidelity, TD Ameritrade, Tasty Works, Schwab, ETrade, and the like will take over the game.

These scammy exchange(s) days are numbered.

FTX... Man, I wonder how all these celebrities who shilled this scam feel today. They will never pay one dime to all those who lost everything... That's why you don't play stupid games! You win stupid prizes! I have won my fair share!

Oh and all you haters...

Check my BTC post from one year ago today on the dot and press play...

Read all the comments and ask yourself, where are all the haters now?

Da Bitcoin Fink is still in the game!

I got a few fingers cut off playing around with penny stocks.

But I grew em back. Live and Learn...

Some here have staying power to weather the storms trading will throw at you. You just have to be right more than you're wrong.

I seem to be doing a decent job at that.

ETF Fink is out!

Let the new global cbdc system come in and make us all slaves! Yay!
@Patl66 They are sadist. 💯
I remember your post from a year ago, I was on the fence, but then I started shorting my 2019-2021 Bitcoins. This has been my best year ever in crypto. Bought some silver, and real estate and am still waiting to load my bag again. 3k bitcoin incoming? Yes please. That worked out great for me last time.
I was waiting for you ! thanks for posting ! Best wishes
@ArtfulDodger1974, That is always the best way, got to look at both sides. Confirmation bias is the fastest way to losing money.
@ArtfulDodger1974, Someone in the group, a tier 3, did this on Band just following the signals. Amazing. And I'm not jealous, not in a slightest. No not even a little bit.... grrr ;-)
Manipulation or not, following the probabilities is profitable.
