For the Short-term Bitcoin Bulls

Por Bohrbtc
The number of people this rally has tricked is off the charts (no pun intended).

Many times you just have to take a step back and look at the bigger picture and things become more clear.
It took 1,189 days for the 2013 top to be breached. This current cycle is only 613 days in.

Of course you have to be on the side that believes cycles are lengthening, which I am (for a number of reasons I won't go into here).
Not to mention that prior tops have never been breached before the halving, which is still 9 months away!

All of this matters, but the final straw for me has been studying "Elliott Wave Principle" by Frost and Prechter.
I am merely a novice in practice, but everything in there is golden and very apparent in Bitcoin.

The current "B" wave (bear market rally) that occurred retraced to the .618 golden ratio.
It very much appears that we are in a bull market, which is why we are not.

What do I know though? I'm not wildly successful, and I'm still rather new to investing and trading as far as analysts go.
Yet somehow, all of the former seem to be in wide agreement with each other.

Makes you wonder.
BLXBTCUSDEconomic CyclesElliott WaveTrend Analysis

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